**Updated Setpember 29, 2023**
**New** - Sky Hy Entertainment karaoke comes to Koozies on Alabonson on October 8, 2023. We still need a time to run though. Talk to your favorite Sky Hy KJ about offering up your best Sunday time block for karaoke.
2/24/2013 - We have added new nights to NJ's on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Tuesdays is another night of karaoke from 8:00 P.M. until Midnight. Thursdays is ladies night with DJ Big John jamming the music for you. Come out and enjoy the new nights of fun.
4/24/2012 - We have started two new shows on Mondays at The Lounge and Fridays at NJ's. We've had two shows at each place which have been fun, and we want to keep it going. So, come out and join us to check out the new venues. As always, more information is available on the calendar page.
12/23/2011 - As part of the Christmas holiday, there will be no karaoke at T-Bones on Christmas Eve. However, be sure to make your New Years Eve plans to join us there and ring in the new year with some singing.

We'll find out then. Of course, don't forget the free champagne toast at midnight. See you there.
8/12/2011 - The new books are almost completed. Also, once completed, the new lists will be posted online with a searchable database coming soon. For now, you can preview the new list by clicking here or download the list in pdf format by clicking here.
7/5/2011 - New show announcement.
5/7/2010 - Sky Hy Entertainment now has a Facebook fan page. Check it out for regular updates, pictures, and even some singer recordings.
4/6/2010 - The updated Sky Hy web site will be online soon. A few more changes and additions are being made before you will see the change. The preview is temporarily on hold while more of the site is updated and worked out, but will be back online soon.